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An Anthology of Verse

I write about whatever catches my fancy. It comes from the heart, and I tell it like it is. Topics are wide ranging. I have no rules other than I only write poetry that rhymes. To my simple way of thinking, if poetry has no rhyme, it is simply prose masquerading. A few of these poems will make you a little misty. Many will give you a chuckle. Most often, these verses will give you pause to think about a topic that you have never thought of before, or, from a viewpoint you've never considered.

This book has a unique format. 30 new poems lead off.  They are followed by Further Hindsights and 2020 Hindsights, complete with their original covers, dedications, and prefaces. If read from back to front, they show the progression of the interesting changing times we have all lived through from 2020 to 2023. 2020 Hindsights had dates for each poem. In the tumultuous times of 2020, those dates seemed like a timestamp, defining the era. Dates continued in Further Hindsights. I do not use them with the latest works as the newer subject matters seem more timeless.

Enjoy these works. Read them slowly and aloud. Let the rhythm and rhyme carry your voice and settle into the ear of your listener. The spoken word is more powerful than the written word.



Waxahachie is a name.

Tough to pronounce

and on every syllable

a mistake will likely bounce


The dying Lou Gehrig claimed to be

“The luckiest man on the face of the Earth.”

But, if you ask me, 

I’ve joined him on that berth.


The “Big C”

came to visit me.

It arrived unexpectedly


Going from me to we,

shouldn't be that tough.

Just turn the M upside down,

and drop your selfish frown.